Imagine if you could completely overhaul your life in a short period of time. Imagine if you were given the eight key strategies to unlock your true potential, allowing you to find happiness and success in all areas of your life. Imagine if those secrets were all contained in the same book. They are! In Decoding Your Past, author Rob Morris takes you on the journey of his life—his triumphs, defeats, and successes. He shares his amazing story to lay a foundation for the eight key strategies to happiness
and success that will change your life forever. His story is heart-wrenching, but as he will tell you, it’s how he became who he is today. He shows you how to turn adversity into a positive, driving force in your life to unlock potential you never realized you had. Rob demonstrates how your past influences the person you are today, and how you can overcome and take advantage of the life wisdom you’ve gained. He shares all of this through his compelling story and eight key strategies to happiness and success. This is a must-read for all. 

CLICK HERE to order your copy today!


Rob R. Morris, author of Decoding Your Past: A Guide to Happiness and Success through Self-Understanding, takes you on another breathtaking journey—through the abuse he endured as a child and to a pivotal turning point when he nearly committed suicide. How did he avoid living an unhappy life plagued with anxiety, anger, and depression? He became the Opposite Man. The adversities of your past will change your course forever. You must recognize when that path is unhealthy and un-fulfilling, and you must get on that path. Opposite Man is not merely about moving on with your life beyond that of an average or mediocre life. Opposite Man is about achieving a fulfilling life beyond what statistics would consign us to due to past abuse or trauma. Opposite Man is about living an extraordinary life.

CLICK HERE to order your copy today!

Published: Warrior Mind PublishingSept. 2013 / Sept. 2016

DECODING YOUR PAST (Clink link to buy book on CLICK HERE

OPPOSITE MAN (Click link to buy book on CLICK HERE