Expert Witness Consultation and Courtroom Testimony

$275.00 /hour
Subject to Change
  • Case Review, Evidence Analysis, Report Writing – $275 /hour

  • Testimony – $275 /hour

  • Travel Expenses – at cost

  • Travel Time – $75 /hour

  • Retainer – $2,000 (applied toward invoice)

Skill Builder Training Courses and Program Development

$600.00 /day
Subject to Change
  • Skill Building Training Courses

  • Training Program Review and Development

  • Use of Force Review and Analysis

  • **Travel and Lodging to be Discussed and Determined

Professional Agency / Team Collaboration and Partnership

$On Request
Contact Rob R Morris for Fee Schedule
  • Comprehensive Training Program Review and Development

  • Tactical Team / SWAT Training Program Review and Development

  • Comprehensive Use of Force Review / analysis and Training Plan Development

About Rob R Morris

Committed to creating excellence and professionalism through training, education, and accountability 

About Rob R Morris

Rob R Morris began his law enforcement career in January 1990 in Southern California. In total, he served the cities of Lompoc, CA and Santa Maria, CA for 32 years before retiring in December 2021.

Rob’s true passion has always been police tactics. He started his SWAT career in 1996. Rob worked through the various team positions and became a SWAT Team Leader in 2001. He began teaching tactical training concepts in 1997 and attained California POST Instructor Certifications in several training disciplines:

  • Patrol Response to Active Shooter/Killer
  • Arrest and Control Tactics (ARCON – Defensive Tactics)
  • Less Lethal Munitions
  • Chemical Agents
  • Light Sound Diversionary Devices
  • Firearms (Handgun, Sub-Gun, Rifle, Shotgun)
  • First Aid / CPR

Rob served the SWAT community for 27 of his 32 years in law enforcement. He remained an active SWAT member until his retirement from law enforcement in December 2021.

In 2019, Rob began teaching for the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA). He continues to work for the NTOA today teaching the SWAT Team Leader Development, Police Response to Active Shooter/Killer, Basic SWAT, Advanced Response Patrol Officer, and Police Counter Ambush Tactics courses.

Over the past three decades, Rob has had the distinct pleasure of working with and training members of the U.S. Military, law enforcement, SWAT Teams, tactical units, and civilians alike.

In 2018, Rob began studying and analyzing police use of force incidents. In 2019, he qualified as a use of force expert in California. Rob has also testified as an expert at the federal level. Today, Rob continues studying and analyzing police use of force incidents, offers expert witness testimony, and provides tactical training.

Contact us TODAY for more information. E-mail at rob@robrmorris.com / Call (805) 286-8494 / Or CLICK the link here

Statistics Comprised from Washing Post, CDC, FBI, BJS (2021)


336 M
There are 336 million people in the US.
1.1 M
There are 1.1 million police officers in the US (full-time & reserve).
0.0033 %
0.0033 percent of the US population are police officers.
53.8 M
There are 53.8 million police-civilian encounters each year in the US.
4.53 M
There 4.53 million arrests each year in the US.
There are 1,100 citizen deaths each year from police officers in the US.
0.00024 %
0.00024 percent of arrests lead to suspects being killed by police officers.
0.0000033 %
0.0000033 percent of the population is killed by police officers each year.

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